S-51 Divers
Above: Divers on the fall operations is from the Navy Dept.'s Report on the Salvage Operations. Individuals in photograph are not identified.
Below: The spring divers who salvaged the S-51 pose for a picture on top of it, just above the gash.
Photo taken from Edward Ellsberg's book, On the Bottom.
Front Row: Davis, Michels, Wickwire, Eiben, Frazer, Bailey, Ellsberg, Eadie, Smith, Carr, Kelley, Frank Anderson. Back Row: Clark, A. D., McLagan, dewberry, Grube, Horan, Boyd, Applegate, McNeil, Clark, G. W., Clemens (in rear), Holden, Henry, Sanders. (Not pictured: Wilson, Ingram, Anderson, Madden, L'Heureux.)
divers listed in the U.S. Navy Department's Report on the Salvage Operations
Fall Operations, October 16 to December 6, 1925
Anderson, George, rigger.
Bailey, Henry, gunner's mate, 1st class.
Carr, William Joseph, boatswain's mate, 1st class.
Eadie, Thomas, chief gunner's mate (reserve).
Eiben, Joseph, chief torpedoman.
Frazer, James W., chief torpedoman.
Ingram, James C., chief torpedoman.
Kelley, J. R., chief torpedoman.
Michels, Fred George, chief torpedoman.
Smith, Francis G., chief torpedoman.
Wilson, Raymond C., chief torpedoman.
Spring Operations, April 26 to July 8, 1926
Anderson, George, rigger.
Bailey, Henry, gunner's mate, 1st class.
Boyd, David H., torpedoman, 3rd class.
Carr, William Joseph, boatswain's mate, 1st class.
Clark, G. W., seaman, 2nd class.
Davis, A. H., torpedoman, 2nd class.
Eadie, Thomas, chief gunner's mate (reserve).
Eiben, Joseph, chief torpedoman.
Ellsberg, Edward, lieutenant commander (C. C.).
Grube, Carl, seaman, 1st class.
Henry, E., torpedoman, 3rd class.
Holden, G. F., torpedoman, 1st class.
Ingram, James C., chief torpedoman.
Kelley, J. R., chief torpedoman.
Madden, Jos. C., rigger.
Michels, Fred George, chief torpedoman.
Sanders, S. A., chief torpedoman.
Smith, Francis G., chief torpedoman.
Wickwire, William S., gunner's mate, 1st class.
Wilson, Raymond C., chief torpedoman.
The following men made one dive each on the job and were then forced to quit for various reasons:
Anderson, Frank, shipwright.
Applegate, C. L., coxswain. (made 4 dives)
Dewberry, T., chief torpedoman. (made 4 dives)
Horan, H., torpedoman, 1st class.
L'Heureux, J. W., torpedoman, 1st class.
Clark, A. D., seaman, 1st class.
Clemens, Harry R., seaman, 1st class.
McNeil, Andrew R., torpedoman, 3rd class.